Tay - The Schliemann Defence Move by Move
  • Tay - The Schliemann Defence Move by Move

Tay - The Schliemann Defence Move by Move

Référence : 108408
30,00 €

Tay - The Schliemann Defence Move by Move. Livre en anglais sur les ouvertures au jeu d'échecs. Curieuse idée de consacrer un Move by Move entier à cette ...


Tay - The Schliemann Defence Move by Move. Livre en anglais sur les ouvertures au jeu d'échecs. Curieuse idée de consacrer un Move by Move entier à cette variante anti-espagnole à la réputation... mitigée. Ce qui est rigolo, c'est que du même coup, les parties présentées nous offrent un splendide catalogue d'illustres inconnus - les quelques notoires égarés ici (y compris l'auteur du livre, présent 7 fois) ne risquant la chose qu'en parties rapides. Pour le reste, ledit auteur vous offre le choix entre 5...d5 (bof) et 5...Cf6 (ouch), et l'ensemble est plus rigolo que la Berlinoise. White players who enjoy playing the Ruy Lopez (1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5) often expect to have an easy time in the opening. Numerous Black systems allow White to complete development with natural moves which often results in a small but clear advantage. Not so The Schliemann. The Schliemann (3 ... f5) is a ferocious beast that immediately takes the fight to White. The swift counter with ... f7-f5 is undoubtedly risky but has the advantage of disturbing White's equanimity and setting difficult problems to solve as early as move three. Any White player who is not highly attuned to the nuances of this system can quickly find themselves in very hot water. This makes the Schliemann an ideal practical weapon for the aggressively-minded tactical player.
    A thorough theoretical coverage of a dynamic counter-attacking system
    Discusses strategic themes as well as analysing complex tactical variations
    Written by an expert on the Schliemann


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