Nouveautés Il y a 247 produits.

Résultats 193 - 216 sur 247.
  • 35,00 €

    L'Informateur des échecs n°154 : Eclipse. Include traditional sections: games, combinations, endings, Tournament reviews, the best game from the preceding volume and the most important theoretical novelty from the preceding volume.

    35,00 €
  • 28,00 €

    In this unique book, Oleg Stetsko has compiled 80 of Tal’s most interesting games, as annotated by the Magician himself in a variety of sources, many of which have been translated into English for the very first time here.

    28,00 €
  • 28,00 €

    Analyzing the Chess Mind is an exploration of psychology in chess. Psychology affects the chess moves we make, as the authors entertainingly illustrate in expertly annotated examples, but our personal chess psychology is not fixed. We can improve our chess psychology, and the authors show how.

    28,00 €
  • 11,00 €

    Ce livre écrit par un grand pédagogue vous permettra d'acquérir toutes les bases dont vous aurez vraiment besoin pour vous en sortir.

    11,00 €
  • 13,99 €

    New In Chess Magazine 2022 numéro 8 : Fischer Random ! Magazine en anglais sur l'actualité du monde du jeu d'échecs.

    13,99 €
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  • 37,80 €

    The Pawn Study Composer’s Manual by Mikhail Zinar. New edition updated and edited by Sergei Tkachenko. Hard Cover Version.

    37,80 €
  • 27,00 €

    The Pawn Study Composer’s Manual by Mikhail Zinar. New edition updated and edited by Sergei Tkachenko.

    27,00 €
  • 32,00 €

    Livre 1000 Tactical Examples. This tactics book by FIDE Senior Trainer Grandmaster Jakov Geller teaches the reader how to create mate threats and execute them using a mixture of combination techniques.

    32,00 €
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  • 32,00 €

    This is the second part of Ivkov’s “Chess Parallels” volume 2, the last book of his extraordinary career of chess player and analyst.

    32,00 €
  • 34,95 €

    A Solid and Straightforward chess opening repertoire for black. Looking for an easy-to-learn yet super-solid repertoire for Black against everything, which doesn’t require endless memorization of sharp theoretical lines?

    34,95 €
  • 20,00 €

    ChessBase Magazine 210 (Décembre 2022). ChessBase Magazine is the most comprehensive and most sophisticated chess magazine there is. World class players analyze their brilliancies and explain the ideas behind the moves to you, opening specialists present the latest trends in opening theory and offer exciting ideas for your repertoire. Master trainers in...

    20,00 €
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  • 24,95 €

    The Hidden laws go one level deeper than the basic laws on piece development, king safety or material balance. The Hidden Laws will uncover elements such as space, the quality of a pawn structure, and a doubled pawn's strength or weakness. Maatman will answer questions like: Are backward pawns the worst in chess? What is the value of a space advantage?...

    24,95 €
  • 24,95 €

    Volume 1 is optimized for chess players with an Elo rating between 1800 and 2100 but is useful for anyone between 1600 and 2300. Volumes 2 and 3 will serve the needs of beginners and more advanced club players.

    24,95 €
  • 35,00 €

    Ce livre présente non seulement la théorie des variantes qui constituent le répertoire choisi contre la Sicilienne, mais aussi d’abondantes explications sur les milieux de parties (et parfois même les finales) qui en découlent : c’est une véritable école des échecs !

    35,00 €
  • 33,00 €

    Learn from Bent Larsen is a labour of love by award-winning author Mihail Marin. This project was originally planned as one chapter in a book about several players, but as ever more gems emerged, it became clear that Bent Larsen deserved a book of his own.

    33,00 €
  • 28,00 €

    Think Like a Super-GM is a unique collaboration combining the chess insights of an elite grandmaster with a scientific investigation into thinking at the chess board. This book offers a unique opportunity for readers to not only solve the puzzles, but also compare their thinking to that of club players, strong amateurs, IMs, GMs and Michael Adams himself.

    28,00 €
  • 24,90 €

    Ce magnifique et insolite ouvrage s'adresse à tous les passionnés de dessin, de jeu d'échecs et d'histoire. Frédéric Pierrat, qui a eu accès à un grand nombre de collections privées et publiques, vous invite à un passionnant voyage à travers le temps et l'espace pour vous faire découvrir comment les hommes ont façonné les pièces et les échiquiers du plus...

    24,90 €
  • 28,50 €

    The Killer Dutch Rebooted is a swash-buckling opening that favors the brave and fearless chess player. A dangerous system where Black can easily whip up a deadly kingside attack. It includes latest updates on Dutch theory and plans against all major variations and sidelines.

    28,50 €
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  • 25,00 €

    American Chess Magazine n° 29 (octobre 2022). Revue spécialisée en anglais sur le jeu d'échecs, édition spéciale sur les accusations de tricherie envers Hans Niemann. At the end of September, World Champion Magnus Carlsen openly accused 19-year-old American GM Hans Niemann of cheating, a sensational charge which has developed into one of the biggest-ever...

    25,00 €
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  • 13,99 €

    New In Chess Magazine 2022 numéro 7 : Thz Carlsen-Niemann Scandal ! Magazine en anglais sur l'actualité du monde du jeu d'échecs.

    13,99 €
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  • 10,00 €

    Informateur des échecs n°153 : Grandeur en version CD.

    10,00 €
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  • 35,00 €

    L'Informateur des échecs n°153 : Grandeur vous rapporte le meilleur du monde du jeu d'échecs.

    35,00 €
  • 25,00 €

    Revue spécialisée sur l'univers du jeu d'échecs. Route 64 n°6 est l'édition d'octobre 2022 à janvier 2023. Comme toujours ce magazine pointu vous parle encore des échecs hors des cases ! Une revue pour les joueurs et les curieux du jeu d’échecs et bien plus encore…

    25,00 €
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  • 23,00 €

    The book presents a Black repertoire based on the Nimzo-Indian Defence. From the "Preface": "I wrote this book for the adventurer who wants to start playing the Nimzo but is afraid of drowning in its lines. My creative task is to provide the reader with useful practical advice while sparing him unnecessary learning overhead." Igor Lysyj

    23,00 €
Résultats 193 - 216 sur 247.